Top tips to store your seeds successfully

by | Nov 28, 2022

There are 4 elements that will encourage your seeds to try to germinate. These elements are moisture, light, air and heat. If any of these elements are present during seed storage your seeds may try to germinate. When trying to germinate in the seed packet your seeds will quickly run out of all the resources that they need to keep on growing and die. To maximise the storage life of your seeds and their viability when you come to sow them, follow these simple steps

  1. Ensure that no moisture is in the seed container.
  2. Ensure that light cannot reach your seeds
  3. Ensure that the container that you store your seeds in is airtight
  4. Ensure that the temperature that your seeds are stored in is even and around 4 degrees C

At New Leaf, we store all our seeds in plastic clip-seal bags and use recycled silica gel packets to exclude as much air as possible. We place these in brown paper bags. We then place these bags into a recycled plastic sealable container (think lunch box). These boxes are then placed in our seed storage fridge set at 4 degrees C.

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