Top 11 tips for reducing fungal diseases in your veggie patch and 2 organic sprays you can make at home

by | Feb 1, 2023

    • Plant disease resistant varieties
    • Plant the right varieties for the season
    • Ensure good air circulation around the plants
    • Ensure at least 6 hours of direct sunlight a day
    • Avoid overhead watering
    • Mulch under your plants well with grassy hay or sugarcane mulch
    • Do not over fertilise with a nitrogen rich fertilser (do not over fertilise at all 😉
    • Remove all leaves close to and touching the ground
    • Remove all infected leaves ASAP and dispose of away from the garden
    • For Tomatoes use a bicarbonate soda spray on the all over leaves, stems and the ground under the plants fortnightly here’s the recipe from       
    • For Cucurbits use a milk spray the recipe is also from


Bicarb Soda Spray

  • 1 tablespoon of bicarbonate soda
  • 4.5 litres of water
  • 1 tablespoon of homemade Oil Spray concentrate (see below) or commercial oil spray (vegetable oil based)
  • Spray weekly as a preventative treatment to minimise black spot and mildew.


Milk Spray

  • Powdery mildew appears as grey or white powdery spots on the new foliage.  It causes puckering of the foliage and in severe infestations, a burnt appearance and leaf fall.
  • 1 part of full cream milk
  • 9 parts of water
  • Spray regularly over the leaves, paying particular attention to soft new growth

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