Leafy Greens – Silverbeet – Rainbow Chard


  • Botanical name: Beta vulgaris ssp. Cicala
  • Common Name: Rainbow Chard
  • Plant type: Biennial grown as an annual
  • Position: Full sun
  • Soil type: Fertile and well drained.
  • Spacing: Plants 30cm Rows
  • Harvest: Harvest older leaves by gently pulling down and away from the plant. Leave 4 to 5 leaves on the plant to maintain vigour. 3 weeks for baby leaf and 8 plus week for full size leaf.
  • Yield: 3 to 6 plants per family


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Seedling Pick-up Points

Our seedlings come wrapped in newspaper to avoid the use of plastic punnets. Please bring along a box or bag to put them in when you collect.


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